Effective Representation in
Greenfield & Indianapolis, IN
Proficient Elder Law Legal Services

As you age and start to consider what lies ahead for yourself, your elderly parents, or any other members of the older generation, one crucial consideration should be the potential need for an elder law lawyer. The elder law lawyers at White & Jocham provide invaluable expertise around nursing care eligibility qualification programs like Medicaid/Medicare, estate planning needs, and much more – all areas integral to securing finances during retirement years.
Elder Law
Long-term care is expensive. Most families do not have the means to pay for an extended stay in a private nursing home, so they rely on Medicaid assistance to subsidize some of the cost. Without proper legal advice, this results in either (a) depleting the family estate to pay for nursing care to qualify for Medicaid or (b) unlawfully transferring property to family members, resulting in disqualification for Medicaid. White & Jocham can help retirees or their adult children address all legal issues associated with aging, infirmity, and nursing home care, including, but not limited to:
- Nursing home planning
- Medicaid eligibility planning
- Annual gifting allowances
- Transferring property to a spouse or heir
- Wills, trusts, and powers of attorney
- Special needs trusts for a disabled child or disabled adult
- Guardianship proceedings to intervene on behalf of an incompetent adult
- Assisting in obtaining veterans benefits through the Veterans’ Administration (VA)
Advanced Medical Directive
Most people give very little thought to the fact that we make our own decisions about our health every time we visit the doctor. An advance medical directive specifies medical directives to your physician or other healthcare professionals of what treatment or measures you would approve and not approve should you become incapacitated.
White & Jocham will help you prepare directives to appoint a person to be your health care representative, ensure your wishes about organ and tissue donation are known, help with powers of attorney for both health care and finances and help with living wills and other directives that provide direction to your medical care team and your family regarding your wishes.