Estate Planning Lawyer
Most people do not want to think about what will happen after they are no longer here. Morality is a tough reality to grapple with and making plans in preparation for death is often uncomfortable. However, creating a will comes with many benefits that may outweigh that discomfort.
Contrary to popular belief, it is never too early to begin the process of creating a will. Many young people do not have a will because they believe they feel they are too young or lack substantial assets to justify creating a will. However, life can be very unpredictable, and unexpected illness and death can arise. A will ensures that your estate is distributed according to the plan that you created. Additionally, a will likely makes handling your death easier for your loved ones as a lot of the details surrounding your death will have already been organized by you.
First, one advantage to having a will is that your belongings are left to the loved ones you specifically designate. It is not always the case that someone’s property, assets, and other possessions will be passed to the people they would like upon their death. That is because when a person dies intestate, that is they died without a proper will in place, the court must decide how an estate will be distributed. A will prevents your estate from being subject to intestacy laws which designate particular heirs at law. By having a will, you can decide exactly who gets what from your estate without the requirement of being an heir at law. Essentially, you have more control. Additionally, a will likely makes the probate process less lengthy, confusing, and expensive for your loved ones. All estates must go through the probate process and having a will ensures that processing your estate will not be unnecessarily delayed.
Second, another advantage to having a will is that it allows you to choose the executor of your estate. An executor of an estate is tasked with making sure all of your final wishes are carried out. If you die intestate, the court will appoint an administrator of your estate. A court appointed administrator has the same duties as an executor, the only difference is you did not appoint them to this position. This person may not be the person you would choose if you had made the decision. A will allows you to select an executor for your estate that you can trust.
Third, wills are amendable so they can reflect changes to your circumstances. Life is unpredictable and you may experience many unexpected changes. A will can reflect those changes. Further, a will can even be revoked. If you choose, you can revoke a will that no longer reflects your wishes and start over.
Finally, having a will allows you to plan out personal matters surrounding your death. In your will, you can make plans for your final resting place, whether you would like to be buried or cremated, and other details surrounding a funeral. Additionally, you can also set aside money to help your family cover these expenses. Having a will helps your loved ones by figuring out many of the tedious details for them so that they can focus on processing their emotions surrounding your departure.
Wills are often a good way to ensure that your wishes are followed upon your death. Creating a will gives you the most control over who receives what from your estate. Wills are also beneficial to your family by not lengthening the process of processing your death. To start the process of creating a will, contact an estate planning lawyer, in Arlington TX, like the offices of Brandy Austin Law Firm, PLLC.